Fitness, nutrition, mindset, motivation and more

Lee's Blog

Lee’s approach is straight-forward & to-the-point, using techniques and information that are research-based and supported with over 16 years of experience & extraordinary success!

A collection of teachings from Lee, the strategies and tools he has employed in helping others achieve their goals in fitness, nutrition, mindset & thinking, work, business, relationships and more…


Struggle to drink enough water?

Tips to get enough water in each day! As the human body is made up of roughly 70% water it is imperative that we remain hydrated, otherwise, our vital bodily functions will severely suffer and put our health at risk.  💦 Other than increasing your energy and allowing your brain

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Want to go out to eat without blowing your diet!?

“Will I blow my diet if I eat out?” Short answer…NO!! Going out with family or friends for a meal should be enjoyed without having the guilt of feeling like you have blown your diet. This simple strategy is a sure-fire way to keep your nutrition in check when eating

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Got a sweet tooth?

After dinner do you find yourself hunting around for a sweet fix? If this sounds familiar you are not alone.  Generally, what I get my clients to do is to increase their protein and veggie portion sizes with dinner. This will help keep you more satiated and you will be

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Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater!

In working with hundreds of people over the past 15 years it is evident that the most successful clients are those who focus on their behaviours and daily habits/routines to reach their goals.  Not some unsustainable diet fad for quick results! Similar to the ‘get rich quick’ business schemes…these simply

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